Bentley WaterGEMS CONNECT Edition Help

Setting the Hydraulic Model Spatial Reference System

The Spatial Reference System (SRS) for a hydraulic model is viewed and assigned on the Tools-Options-Project tab in the Geospatial group.

The SRS is a standard textual name for a coordinate system or a projection, designated by various national and international standards bodies. The SRS is assumed to define the origin for the coordinates of all modeling elements in the hydraulic model. It is the user's responsibility to set the correct SRS for the hydraulic model, and then use the correct coordinates for the contained modeling elements. This will result in the extents of the modeling features being correct with respect to the spatial reference system chosen. The SRS is stored at the hydraulic model database level. Therefore, a single SRS is maintained across all geometry alternatives. The product does not manipulate or transform geometries or SRS's - it simply stores them.

The primary use of the project's SRS is to create correct spatial locations when a managing a hydraulic model in the ProjectWise Integration Server's spatial management system.

The SRS name comes from the internal list of spatial reference systems that ProjectWise Spatial maintains on the ProjectWise server and is also known as the "key name." To determine the SRS key name, the administrator should browse the coordinate system dictionary in the ProjectWise administrator tool (under the Coordinate Systems node of the datasource), and add the desired coordinate system to the datasource. For example, the key name for an SRS for latitude/longitude is LL84, and the key name for the Maryland State Plane NAD 83 Feet SRS is MD83F.

ProjectWise Spatial uses the SRS to re-project the project's spatial location to the coordinate system of any spatial view or background map assigned by the administrator.

If the project's SRS is left blank, then ProjectWise will simply not be updated with a spatial location for that hydraulic model.

If the project's SRS is not recognized, an error message will be shown, and ProjectWise will simply not be updated with a spatial location for that hydraulic model.